Understanding Image Maps: A Beginner's Guide


If you’re a website owner, you probably already know the importance of using images on your website. However, have you ever heard of an “image map”? If not, don’t worry โ€“ you’re not alone. In this article, we’ll talk about what an image map is, how it works, and why it’s an essential tool for any website owner.

What Is An Image Map?

An image map is a graphic image that contains clickable areas, also called “hotspots.” These hotspots can be linked to different pages or sections of a website. Essentially, an image map turns a static image into a navigational tool.

How Does It Work?

An image map works by defining specific areas of an image as hotspots. These hotspots are then linked to different pages or sections of a website. When a user clicks on a hotspot, they are redirected to the linked page or section.

Why Use An Image Map?

Image maps are a great tool for website owners because they can make images more interactive and engaging for users. They can also be used to create custom navigation menus or to highlight specific areas of an image.

Creating An Image Map

Creating an image map is relatively easy. There are several online tools available that allow you to create an image map without any coding knowledge. Alternatively, you can create an image map using HTML code.

Online Tools

There are several online tools available that allow you to create an image map without any coding knowledge. One such tool is “ImageMapster.” ImageMapster allows you to create an image map by simply uploading your image and defining hotspots using a graphical interface.


If you’re comfortable with HTML code, you can create an image map by using the “map” and “area” tags. The “map” tag defines the entire image map, while the “area” tag defines each hotspot. You can then link each hotspot to a specific URL.


In conclusion, image maps are a valuable tool for website owners. They can make images more interactive and engaging for users, as well as create custom navigation menus. Whether you choose to use an online tool or create an image map using HTML code, it’s a tool that’s worth considering for your website.


Q: Can an image map be used on any type of image?

A: Yes, an image map can be used on any type of image, including JPEGs, PNGs, and GIFs.

Q: Can an image map be used on a responsive website?

A: Yes, an image map can be used on a responsive website. However, it’s important to ensure that the hotspots are appropriately sized for different screen sizes.

Q: Are there any accessibility concerns with using an image map?

A: Yes, there are accessibility concerns with using an image map. Screen readers may not be able to read the hotspots, making the image map unusable for visually impaired users. It’s important to provide alternative text for each hotspot to ensure accessibility.

Image Map Resize Js IMAGECROT
Image Map Resize Js IMAGECROT from imagecrot.blogspot.com

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